The rewards of culling and selling...

I think the rewards of wardrobe culling and selling on eBay are not apparent until one sits down to calculate the total dollar amount of what has been sold.  A dollar here and $20 there may not seem like much, but before you know it that new purchase which made you feel a little bit guilty has basically paid for itself with eBay proceeds!

Towards the end of last year the sale proceeds of 13 dresses, a pair of pants, a pair of boots and a belt *almost* covered my purchase of two gorgeous jackets... an IRO cropped boucle jacket and an Etoile Isabel Marant tweed blazer:

Isabel Marant on the left and IRO on the right - both gorgeous, but neither lined!

What would you rather... 16 items that you no longer wear for various reasons, hanging around in your wardrobe taking up space and causing you frustration each morning you go to get dressed, or a couple of items that you have been lusting after?

Also just out of interest I calculated that my most recent eBay sales (up until this last week) *almost* covered my entire Net-a-Porter order made earlier this month.  I say *almost* because eBay and PayPal fees are a killer.

It's high Summer here in Oz, but I'm already hanging out for Winter to wear my new Winter woolies! 


  1. Love the Isabel Marant jacket!

    I'm too lazy to go through my wardrobe but you're right, there's no point for clothes that I can't wear to sit in the wardrobe...

    1. You must go through your wardrobe... it is very worthwhile.

  2. Whenever I want to buy something new, I think to myself, would I rather have this item, or (insert dream item here)?

    When I tell people how much money I've made selling my clothes on ebay, they are shocked but still too unmotivated to do it themselves.

    1. Yes, I think that this is a very good question to ask. It's a great way of even further paring down the wardrobe so that only the things you truly love and could not live without remain.

  3. exactly this! it's like a chore at first but it can be curiously fun and therapeutic. nothing like trading in things that don't work for better ones that do!

    1. I really enjoy watching my auctions in the last minutes - it can get quite exciting :)

  4. Hello, just discovered your blog!
    I am doing the same right now, I sold over 50 items from my wardrobe (I cannot believe how many unnecessary things I have accumulated in the recent years!) and the sales do amount to a pretty sum..I want to invest the money in a pair of Isabel Marant boots (if they should ever be available again) and maybe a cropped jacket for spring..I is quite a rewarding feeling to say goodbye to stuff that I never wear and enjoy the empty closet and new, great clothes!

    1. I know! Letting go of the things one does not need really is quite liberating. I'm looking forward to tackling the rest of the house next.
      Thanks for stopping by my blog x

  5. LOVE the jacket, well done.
    Goddam paypal fees, bane of my existence.

    1. Thanks... believe it or not I have already worn the IM one because my office has been an ice box in this weather. I must admit though carrying it to work in 30 degree plus weather does seem a little silly :)

  6. i realized this too! eBay takes like 9.5% now and paypal is another 3%..still makes me think twice about selling versus forcing myself to wear it again haha.
